WOMAN ON FIRE: Natalie Winters Obliterates Vile Russiagate Hoaxer Christopher Steele In an Epic Tour De Force (VIDEO)

Credit: Piers Morgan Uncensored Screenshot

Conservative populist leader and War Room host Steve Bannon has often compared himself to the honey badger given ferocious approach toward enemies of America. This week, War Room co-cost and White House Correspondent Natalie Winters took a page from his playbook and gave a must-see verbal beat-down to one of the most sinister and dishonest political figures in recent history.

Winters appeared on Piers Morgan Uncensored in an episode broadcast on Wednesday with former MI6 operative Christopher Steele, the man responsible for manufacturing the dirty Russia dossier paid for by Crooked Hillary Clinton and starting the Russiagate hoax.

He filled the 35-page dossier filed with garbage lies such as Trump having ‘golden showers’ with Russian prostitutes to libel Trump as a Russian asset.

Steele later admitted he leaked the libelous dossier to help Hillary. A UK court also confirmed he lied about Trump.

However, this did not stop Steele from showing up to spread more garbage against Trump. After listening to Winters’ incredible tour de force, he likely regretted his decision.

The fiery young conservative warrior spoke for all Trump fans when she explained in no uncertain terms why Steele was the ultimate grifter while calling out all of his smears against Trump directly to his face.


WINTERS: I know Christopher Steele wanted to go down in history as someone who colluded with the Clinton campaign to take down President Donald J. Trump. But I think that you represent the ultimate grifter in the American political space.

For you to even come on here…To sit here nearly a decade after you tried to smear President Trump as a Russian asset to then say, ‘Well, I think he’s a Russian asset, but even though I’m really good at my job and create all of my intelligence reports, it’s just sort of a feeling that I have.

I’m sorry; what stones do you have even left to turn over to try to corroborate your claim that Trump is a Russian asset? You weaponized FISA Courts, surveillance, warrants, international spy agencies, the entire DNC apparatus…The American people would really appreciate it if you stopped injecting your efforts to totally tank the America First movement by smearing anyone who doesn’t want to get involved in forever wars and continue the needless dying in Ukraine and in Russia just so you can sit from your perch and defend the globalist world order.

And you know what? You think you’re so good at gathering intelligence? Last time I checked, it was the 51 intel agents that Hunter Biden’s hard drive (who lied and said it was a hoax), which I reported on firsthand…it’s legitimate.

You want to talk about the President’s sons who are involved in businesses in foreign countries? Well, I would like to introduce you to Hunter Biden. When those 51 people, who I’m sure you know all too well, said that (the laptop) was Russian disinformation. Well, it turned out that was true, and shame on you for the last decade trying to inject the idea that smearing President Trump as a Russian agent or a Russian asset is going to tank the MAGA movement. It’s about putting America first!

And the fact that you can still sit here and the fact that you have no actual evidence besides one random Russian meeting, you’re a complete political hack and grifter, and I wish the American political scene didn’t have your voice in it.

You know that Bannon was watching this epic performance by his star reporter and beaming with joy.

The post WOMAN ON FIRE: Natalie Winters Obliterates Vile Russiagate Hoaxer Christopher Steele In an Epic Tour De Force (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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