Top Democrat Attack Dog Maxine Waters Lashes Out at Trump, Doubles Down on Violent Rhetoric (VIDEO)


Top Democrat attack dog Maxine Waters doubled down on her violent rhetoric this week during a press conference with Congressional Black Caucus Leaders.

House Democrats are attending their annual policy retreat this week as the party is in disarray without a leader.

The Democrats’ top attack dog Maxine Waters, 86, said President Trump is working toward a civil war.

“I believe [Trump] expects violence. I believe he expects confrontation. I believe he’s working toward a civil war!” Rep. Maxine Waters shouted.


Earlier this month Maxine Waters attacked Elon Musk again: “Elon Musk’s 13 children sleep good at night. What happens to the other children in America?”

Maxine Waters tried to storm the HUD building after attacking Elon Musk during a rally speech.

Security initially stopped Maxine Waters from entering the HUD building.

However, Rep. Waters eventually entered the building to deliver a letter to HUD Secretary Turner.


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