Spring Break Gone Wild! Bikini-Clad Spring Breakers Participate in Illegal Boxing Match – With Crypto Bets (VIDEO)

Spring Break 2025 boxing match / YouTube screen image

Spring breakers in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, held illegal boxing matches over the weekend – with cryptocurrency bets.

A bystander who recorded the beach boxing matches told NBC Miami that he saw students running toward a circle of people on the beach and overheard bystanders taking bets with crypto.

“Why aren’t they playing football? Something that is not going to get people injured,” Joshua Pettus told NBC Miami.

“I started hearing somebody taking bets and they were doing it with crypto,” Pettus said.

Pettus said he began recording after he saw spring breakers put on boxing gloves.

“Boxing gloves came out, the ring got bigger, and I knew the fight was going to start,” Pettus said.

Men and women participated in the boxing matches. Girls in bikinis put on boxing gloves and threw punches at each other as the crowd cheered them on.

Fort Lauderdale Police broke up the fights.

“Fort Lauderdale Police witnessed and broke up two incidents on the beach and the crowd complied both times without further issues. There have been no reported confirmed cases of betting. This type of behavior will not be tolerated,” the city of Fort Lauderdale said in a statement.


Additional footage (language warning):

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