‘Neo-Nazi’ Indian Immigrant Sentenced to 8 Years For Renting U-Haul Truck to Attack White House – But the Story Doesn’t Add Up


In May 2023, Sai Varshith Kandula, a young Indian migrant living in Chesterfield, Missouri, drove a U-Haul truck and attempted to ram his way through a White House barrier. His plot failed and police arrested him.  Police investigators then pulled an apparent Nazi flag from a U-Haul truck after the crash near the White House and laid it on the street for photographers. 

It was a white supremacist attack!

As Kristinn Taylor reported — Eyewitnesses say the truck was driven twice into a barrier before stopping. The incident took place at the north side of Lafayette Park at 16th and H St, NW. Police laid out the flag on the sidewalk near the truck, apparently for the media to film, before folding it up and taking it away.

Of course, the story was suspicious from the get-go. The only thing they found in the truck was a Nazi flag? This was too convenient for Joe Biden and the FBI’s narrative of the dreaded white supremacist threat in America. It smelled like another fed operation.

After the feds dropped all of the serious charges against Sai Varshith Kandula, 20, he was sentenced on Thursday to 96 months in federal prison for his attempted attack on the White House, the DOJ said in a press release.

“Kandula pleaded guilty on May 13, 2024, to a charge of willful injury or depredation of property of the United States before U.S. District Court Judge Dabney L. Friedrich. Kandula is an Indian national who was born in Chandanagar, India. At the time of the incident, he was a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. with a green card. In addition to the prison term, Judge Friedrich ordered Kandula to serve three years of supervised release,” the DOJ said.

The story just doesn’t add up.

Per Julie Kelly: “According to his FBI interview, he lived in his car. But somehow the morning of the attack, he got an unspecified “loan” for $4,000 which he used to buy a last minute plane ticket from Missouri to Dulles (expensive) then rented a U-Haul (a 19-year-old without a job) and drove into DC (not an easy trip btw) and crashed into the barriers outside of the White House that night,”

“Oh and he had purchased a Nazi flag online (delivered to his car apparently) and unfurled the flag after he crashed into the barrier and before his arrest,” Julie Kelly said.

Vandula was barely 18 at the time, had no job, lived in his car but got a bunch of loans on his own before the attack.

Varshish Kandula reportedly doesn’t talk to anyone, didn’t have a job and had no money but he had two phones.

The post ‘Neo-Nazi’ Indian Immigrant Sentenced to 8 Years For Renting U-Haul Truck to Attack White House – But the Story Doesn’t Add Up appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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