Mondaire Jones: Dems Still Have '' Good Chance ' of Keeping House Majority however '' We ' ve to Course Correct' '


Sunday on MSNBC’s “The Mehdi Hasan Show,” Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-NY) dealt with the Democrats’ possibilities in the upcoming midterm elections.

Jones stated the Democrats still had an opportunity of “keeping the bulk in your house” however acknowledged his celebration needed to “course proper.”

” I believe that we’ve still got a likelihood of keeping the bulk in your house, however we’ve got to course proper,” Jones stressed. “We’ve got to make certain that we are having up or down votes on any variety of broadly popular pieces of legislation, which begins with the legislation lost consciousness of your house Judiciary Committee a couple of days earlier, on which I serve, in addition to, a restriction on attack weapons.”

He included, “We’ve likewise got to make certain that we are pressing forward other legislation that is broadly supported, legislation that’s going to reduce the rate of gas and the expense of groceries. And we’ve got to ensure that we are dealing with other existential issues like the 6-3 bulk on the Supreme Court and messaging that we want to do whatever it takes, whatever it takes, to assist working individuals, to construct an economy that works for everyone, and to stop the waterfall of rights being weakened by the Supreme Court in choice after choice beginning this term.”

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