Crazy Bernie Sanders Thinks The Pandemic Never Ended and is Urging His Supporters to Mask Up Outdoors

Credit: Gage Skidmore

Senator Bernie Sanders has urged his supporters to wear masks for an upcoming event in Denver, Colorado.

According to an email obtained by journalist Stephen L. Miller, Bernie’s team sent out an email advising everyone attending his upcoming outdoor event to wear a mask and not attend if they believe they are suffering from COVID-19.

“Masks are advised for all attendees of this event,” the email reads.

“Anyone experiencing a fever or other symptoms of COVID-19 is asked to stay home and not attend.”

Attendees are also told that bags, signs, and firearms are not allowed.

The event is part of Sanders’ “Fighting Oligarchy” tour, which is trying to energize Democrats against the Trump administration and the influence of figures such as Elon Musk.

Perhaps even more bizarrely, Sanders’ website seems to suggest that America is still in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, despite the fact that even Democrats admit that it no longer poses a threat.

His website, which appears to be updated regularly by his team, features his plans for an “An Emergency Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic” and his “Priorities for the Next Coronavirus Relief Package” as his core political issues.

“In terms of potential deaths and the impact on our economy, the crisis we face from coronavirus is on the scale of a major war, and we must act accordingly,” it states.

”We must begin thinking on a scale comparable to the threat, and make sure that we are protecting working people, low-income people, and the most vulnerable communities, not just giant corporations and Wall Street.”

At the age of 83, Sanders is highly unlikely to throw his hat into the ring for another presidential campaign.

However, he was recently re-elected for another six-year term as Senator for Vermont, meaning that provided he remains in good health he will be involved in politics until at least the age of 89.

The post Crazy Bernie Sanders Thinks The Pandemic Never Ended and is Urging His Supporters to Mask Up Outdoors appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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