A NEW LOW: Rep. Jasmine Crockett Physically ATTACKS Journalist for Asking a Question Regarding Her Sick Comments About Tesla and Elon Musk (VIDEO)

Credit: Laura Loomer/ Loomer Unleashed video screenshot

Despicable Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) may have opened herself up to legal trouble after attacking a journalist for daring to question her about her violent remarks toward Elon Musk and Tesla.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Crockett spoke last Wednesday on a livestream organized by #TeslaTakedown, which has engaged in multiple actions designed to harm the company. These actions include recently protesting outside the vehicle manufacturer’s showrooms, urging Americans to sell their Teslas and dump the company’s stock.

The group is scheduled to hold its biggest day of economic sabotage on March 29. Supporters are slated to harass 277 Tesla locations in America and more than 500 overseas that day. March 29 also happens to be Crockett’s birthday, and she wants a sick wish to come true on that day.

“I am truly here for very selfish reasons,” Crockett said. “Starting with March 29, it’s my birthday, and all I want to see happen on my birthday is for Elon to be taken down! Yes!”

On Tuesday morning, Loomer Unleashed DC Correspondent Charles Downs attempted to confront Crockett about her disgusting remarks as she walked down a hallway. She tries to ignore Downs at first while laughing and talking to Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN).

Downs, though, continues to pursue Crockett and asks her to clarify her anti-Tesla comments. Right before the video ends, Crockett loses her temper and tries to steal the journalist’s phone.


The news gets worse, though. Crockett’s long fingernails scratched the top of Downs’s hand, leaving a red mark and indentations.

This seemingly qualifies as an assault, inadvertent or not.


Credit: Laura Loomer

Laura Loomer reports that Downs is currently at Capitol Hill Police headquarters right now and will be filing a police report for assault. She adds that Burchett will be listed as well since he was a witness.

Loomer also called for House Speaker Mike Johnson to censure Crockett.

The post A NEW LOW: Rep. Jasmine Crockett Physically ATTACKS Journalist for Asking a Question Regarding Her Sick Comments About Tesla and Elon Musk (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

This article may have been paraphrased or summarized for brevity. The original article may be accessed here: Read Source Article.