WATCH: Massive Protests in Greece, Hundreds of Thousands Gather and Throw Petrol Bombs at Police

Protests in Athens, Greece

Millions gathered across Greece Friday to protest their government amid growing distrust on the second anniversary of a train collision that killed 57 and left dozens injured. 

This also comes after a 180-page report on the crash, released Thursday, blamed poor training, staffing shortages, and poor infrastructure for putting a passenger train on the same track as an oncoming freight train. However, locals believe their government covered up the real cause of the crash to protect officials, and the government still has not taken action to address the failures.

Hundreds of thousands were seen gathered in Syntagma Square in downtown Athens on Friday.

The large protests quickly turned violent as some began tossing explosives, identified in reports as petrol bombs, at police.


Per BBC:

In the centre of Athens alone the crowd was put at hundreds of thousands, and big numbers were seen in Thessaloniki, Larissa and Ioannina, as well as many other cities.

“For those of us who had children on that train, a part of our soul remained there and will never return,” said Maria Karystianou, the head of the Tempi victims’ association, whose daughter Marthi was among those killed in the tragedy.

It was during the night of 28 February 2023 that a passenger train packed with students collided head-on with a goods train near the Tempi gorge in central Greece.

The report by Greece’s Air and Rail Accident Investigation Authority warned that the safety failings exposed by the crash had not yet been addressed. “Those children were killed because the train was not safe,” said the authority’s chief Christos Papadimitriou.

The Tempi rail disaster shocked Greeks with many accusing their conservative government of doing too little to shed light on the causes of the tragedy. There is a widely held belief that the government has sought to cover up the role of high-ranking officials.

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