7 Questions For Pro-Trump Actor & Filmmaker Nick Searcy


Few actors, producers, or filmmakers in Hollywood have managed to remain successful after publicly acknowledging their belief in God and the ideas of liberty, freedom, and actual justice. Nick Searcy, who many know for his roles in films like Runaway Jury and the hit FX television show Justified, has never been shy about his conservative beliefs.

Searcy directed the 2018 film “Gosnell” about one of America’s most prolific abortionists, as well as, recent film projects like “Capitol Punishment” which exposed the lies surrounding J6, and the follow-up film “The War On Truth” exposing how much of J6 was pre-planned to help the Deep State and Democrats.

He has also become a popular voice on social media for his no-holds-barred attitude on X,

This Gateway Pundit journalist had a chance to interview Searcy about President Donald J. Trump, if he’s ever had to censor himself because of Hollywood’s allegiance to leftist doctrines, his favorite joke, his feelings on the LGBTQIA+ attacks on basic decency, and how their actions threaten the future of America, and more!

And so it begins… 7 Questions for Nick Searcy…

1). What gave you the strength to come out publicly for DJT and the America First movement?

I directed the movie Gosnell, released in 2018, about the abortion doctor in Philadelphia who was convicted of murder.  I’ve been “out” publicly for a long time.  When Andrew Breitbart passed away so suddenly in 2012, I decided that I was not going to hide my thoughts or political beliefs at all.  No one knows how much time we have on the planet, and I decided to be myself and let the consequences be whatever they would be.

I supported Herman Cain in 2012, and for a moment, Carly Fiorina in 2016.  I had always been looking for someone outside the establishment, which I consider to be hopelessly corrupt.  I was skeptical about Trump in the beginning, as I had lived in NYC in the 80s and thought of him only as his cultural persona.  I voted for him in 2016, somewhat half-heartedly.  But I have voted for him two times since then, with increasing fervor.  I believe he is the last chance our nation has to be restored to what the founding fathers intended.

2). Have you ever had to censor yourself in Hollywood because of the hardline progressive/leftist mantra?

I probably should have, for selfish business reasons, but I never have.  Counseled to “tone it down” by countless agents, managers, network operatives, etc.  I guess I just can’t.  I can’t sit by and watch leftist destruction and foolishness without saying something about it.  It’s probably hurt me professionally, but I could do no other.

3). Name a book, band, and film that resonates with you and explain why.

Book: Look Homeward Angel, Thomas Wolfe.  I’m from western North Carolina.  He was my hero growing up. “There was something in his heart he could not utter” is a quote that has always stuck with me.  (A close second is Women by Charles Bukowski.  Because I find him hilarious.)

Band: The Replacements. Great songwriting by Westerberg, and a sense of danger in every song.  I also saw them a number of times in the 80s, and half the time they were too drunk to play.  A great sloppy tension in their songs, as well as some deep pain and real emotion.

And I play the piano, so Randy Newman, Jackson Browne, Billy Joel, and Elton John comprise most of my repertoire.

Film:  Favorite film is Wise Blood, a 1974 John Huston film.  I love the rawness of it, as well as it’s faithfulness to the Flannery OConnor novella.

Runner up is Deliverance.  I can never stop watching it when I run across it.

Third is Apocalypto.  Mel Gibson is a genius.

4). You have been an outspoken advocate for DJT, has that hurt you in terms of getting gigs, and if so, do you care?

I’m sure it has.  Leftists cannot argue their positions.  All they can do is despise the people who oppose them and call them racist and fascist etc. I was at first shocked at their intolerance, but not anymore.  Their ideology can’t stand up to any scrutiny, so they have to demonize and hate anyone who opposes them.

I’ve become rather picky in my old age anyway.  Most of the things that are offered to me I don’t want to do.  Hollywood is producing such garbage these days. So, I’m really focused on directing and producing a bit more these days.  I have a movie that I wrote with a friend that I will hopefully direct later this year.  I’m not so interested in being an actor for hire these days.

I honestly don’t give damn what they think of me.  I’ve made a living as an actor for 34 years without compromising or hiding.  I won’t start now.

5). What centers you?

God and my beautiful wife Leslie. Without her wisdom and beauty in my life, I probably would not be alive.

6). Best joke you know?

Guy walks into a bar, orders a scotch, pukes on himself and starts crying.  Bartender says “What the hell?”  Guy says, “My wife’s going to kill me.  She gave me this jacket for our anniversary and now I’ve puked on it.”  Bartender says: “Put a $20 bill in your chest pocket and tell your wife some guy in a bar puked on you and he gave you $20 to get it cleaned.”  Guy says “You’re a genius!”

When he gets home, his wife greets him at the door and says, “Look at you, you pathetic drunk.  You’re drunk again and you puked on the jacket I gave you.”

Guy says “I didn’t puke on it!  The guy next to me at the bar puked on it, and he gave me $20 to clean it up, and it’s right there in my pocket.”

Wife reaches into his pocket and says, “Wait a minute. There are TWO $20 bills here.”

Guy says, “Well, right after that, he shit in my pants.”

7). What’s your response to the LGBTQIA+ attacks on women and basic decency?

The entire biological men playing women’s sports is so utterly insane that it has to be demonic.  No one can actually believe that is fair, unless they are utterly brainwashed or cynically evil.

I have come to believe that it is a deliberate attempt to destroy the fabric of society.  Communism has always tried to destroy the family unit, and this is part and parcel of that.  By destroying the difference between men and women, you cripple the human race’s ability to propagate.  That is what the abortion movement was about: to destroy reverence for life, and what’s a more efficient way to do that than abortion? Neuter young people before they can even make a baby.

It’s a very sad situation and a lie that has been spread through our educational system.  It is not compassionate to convince a young person that they can successfully transition into the opposite sex.  They will become something other than what they are, but that’s all, and they will give up any hope of a productive — or even a pleasurable — sex life.

Nick recently released a book titled Justify This, where he chronicles his life, from Hollywood to guest hosting for Rush Limbaugh, and producing films about J6, abortionist doctor Kenneth Gosnell, and much more.

You can follow him on X by clicking here, and watch his latest film The War On Truth, by visiting this link.

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